Thursday 9 February 2012

Shawshank redemption was created in the year 1994. This movie is at the top of the list on IMDB charts for all time greatest movie. Shawshank is a suspenseful, thrilling, inspirational movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. This movie was produced in the United States by Niki Marvin.

There are a few movies that are comparable to Shawshank. The Green Mile (Frank Darabont) is a movie that is based off a novel by Stephen king .shawshank was also founded from one of his great novels. Green mile is also a dramatic movie that is also dated back to earlier times. Greenfingers (Joel Hershman) is another comparable movie because its also about criminals. Although Greenfingers is more of a comedy. shawshank has more serious topics through out the movie, which doesn't make it a comedy.

Morgan Freeman who plays "Red" is a very agile man. "Red" is the go to guy inside the jail, he's the man that knows how to get stuff. Tim Robbins who plays "Andy Dufrense" is a bank teller who claims to say he didn't kill his wife and says to be framed, but finds himself with all evidence pointing against him which ends him up in jail. "Red" and "Andy" become friends later on in the movie and help each other out with little problems that occur through out the movie. eventually "Andy" helps out the guards with there taxes and later on in the movie Warden Norton ( Bob Gunton) takes advantage of this and gets "Andy to do the accounting and taxes for the prison, Andy is to Intelligent of a man to know that he is being taken advantage of and eventually gets his revenge on the Warden. The movie mostly takes place in the Shawshank prison.

The director of the movie Shawshank redemption (Frank Darabont) demonstrated that freedom is a very nice thing to have and shows that you shouldn't take life for granted because one stupid move could end you up in a terrible place for the rest of your life. This film made Twenty-eight million dollars from box office fees and still today is known for one of the greatest movies ever.

I would recommend seeing this movie, I give it a five out of five and was on the edge of my seat for the full two hours and twenty minutes that this movie lasted!!

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